BUSN 7203 Media Marketing and Promotions


Advertising & Promotions
An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective

By Belch and Belch

McGraw Hill Irwin Publishers

8th Edition

ISBN: 9780073381091

Search for the book online using the ISBN.


Case Study and Pedagogy: Click here.


Case Study Details:

Imagine you are a marketing consultant for Mountain Dew.

Answer the questions on BlackBoard that require you to evaluate, analyze, and compare and contrast the data and facts provided. You will need to evaluate the situation, compare and contrast alternatives, and recommend a course of action. You will

+ demonstrate your understanding by explaining the relevant concepts,

+ draw conclusions that demonstrate superior critical thinking skills,

+ apply the chapter concepts to the Mountain Dew case correctly,

+ include facts from the case to support your position, and

+ formulate solutions and make a recommendation regarding next steps.

Course Description (from Brooklyn College Website):

BUSN 7203X Media Marketing and Promotions

Principles of marketing and promotion. Developing marketing and promotion strategies. Implementing campaigns. Evaluating their effectiveness in attracting audiences and building audience share in increasingly competitive electronic mass communication industries.