Myles Bassell is an award winning full-time faculty member and deputy chairperson in the Koppelman School of Business at the City University of New York (C.U.N.Y) Brooklyn College. Based on student nominations he is the recipient of the Koppelman School of Business Excellence in Teaching Award for both 2014 – 2015 and 2015 – 2016.
He is a Tow Distinguished Teacher Award recipient at Brooklyn College for 2015 – 2016.
Myles Bassell was the recipient of the 2013 Brooklyn College Koppelman School of Business Award for Excellence in Service.
He has also received other awards that recognized him for his significant service and volunteerism including but not limited to the Coach of the Decade Award (2015), Business Leadership Society Award for Outstanding Service (2010), and National Association of Black Accountants (N.A.B.A.) Award for Outstanding and Dedicated Service (2008).
Myles Bassell continues to be actively involved in campus activities and serves on multiple committees, some of which are listed below.
Presidential Policy Council
(elected) 2017 – present
Senator (delegate)
University Faculty Senate
(elected) 2017 – present
Executive Board Member
Roberta Matthews Center for Teaching
(elected) 2016 – present
Senator (alternate)
University Faculty Senate
(elected) 2016 – 2017
Faculty Council representing the School of Business
(elected) 2015 – present
Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee
2013 – present
Course and Standing Committee
2016 – present
Curriculum Committee
Business Management Department
2014 – present
Grade Appeal Committee
Business Management Department
2016 – present
Assurance of Learning
Koppelman School of Business
2015 – present
College Wide Election Review Committee
(appointed by the college president) 2010 – present
Chairperson (Faculty Advisor)
Income Tax Accounting Academy
2010 – present
CUNY Campaign for Charitable Giving
2009 – present
Chairperson (Faculty Advisor)
Marketing Global Leadership Academic Association
2009 – present
Students 4 Students
2007 – 2011
The Entrepreneurship Experience Program
2007 – 2011
Chairperson (Faculty Advisor)
Business Leadership Society
2006 – present
He teaches more than two dozen graduate and undergraduate courses. He is a distinguished business executive, professor, author, mentor and lecturer with more than 20 years of industry experience. He has given lectures to thousands of students and executives worldwide on a variety of business topics, including branding, taxation, managerial accounting, marketing, advertising, finance, strategic management, and consumer behavior. For a dozen years Bassell was a senior executive with a full-service consulting firm that develops, implements and integrates a variety of revenue- and profit-generating management solutions.
Myles Bassell is a member of several professional organizations including, but not limited to the:
American Marketing Association,
Association for Consumer Behavior,
American Academy of Advertising,
Academy of Marketing Science,
American Accounting Association, and
European Advertising Association.
Myles Bassell es un galardonado miembro a tiempo completo del profesorado y vicepresidente en la Escuela de Negocios Koppelman de City University of New York (C.U.N.Y) Brooklyn College. Nominado por sus estudiantes, él ha recibido el premio de Excelencia en la Enseñanza de Koppelman School of Business en los años 2014-2015 y 2015-2016.
Él también ha recibido el premio Tow Profesor Distinguido de Brooklyn College en el 2015-2016.
Bassell enseña más de dos docenas de cursos de pregrado y graduados. Él es un distinguido ejecutivo de negocios, profesor, autor, mentor y conferencista con más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria. Él ha dado clases y conferencias a miles de estudiantes y ejecutivos en todo el mundo acerca de una variedad de temas de negocios, incluyendo marca, impuestos, contabilidad gerencial, marketing, publicidad, finanzas, estrategias para el manejo de negocios y comportamiento del consumidor. Por más de una década Bassell fue el principal ejecutivo de una firma de consultas de servicio completo que desarrolla, implementa e integra una variedad de soluciones para la generación de ingresos y ganancias.
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