BUSN 7212 Internet Marketing and Social Media


Social Media

Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach

By Melissa Barker, Donald I. Barker, Nicholas F. Bormann, and Debra Zahay

2nd Edition

Cengage South-Western College Publications

ISBN: 9781305502758

Search the book online using the ISBN.

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies

By Mary Lou Roberts and Debra Zahay

3rd Edition

Cengage South-Western College Publications

ISBN: 9781133625902

Search the book online using the ISBN.


Case Study and Pedagogy: Click here.

Course Description (from Brooklyn College Website):

BUSN 7212X Internet Marketing and Social Media

Role of the Internet-based marketplace and social media in the business environment. Impact of digital marketing business practices on a company’s corporate objectives. Analysis of the infrastructure needed to deploy and effective e-business operation including security, transactions, search engine optimization, and digital marketing methods.