BUSN 7279 Applied Research Methods


ISBN 9780073373706

Business Research Methods

By Donald Cooper and Pamela Schindler

11th Edition

McGraw Hill Irwin Publishers

ISBN: 9780073373706

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Marketing Research

Marketing Research

By Alvin Burns and Ronald Bush

6th Edition

Prentice Hall Pearson Publishers

ISBN: 9780136027041

Search for the book online using the ISBN.

Case Study, Simulation and Pedagogy: Click here.

Course Description (from Brooklyn College Website):

BUSN 7279X Applied Research Methods

Students will learn how to define a research problem, to evaluate secondary data, to choose the appropriate research design, to develop measurement instruments, to evaluate different sample designs, to collect primary data, to use various statistical techniques to analyze data, and to present data, research findings, and recommendations in an ethical manner.