Case Study and Pedagogy

Case Study:


Our custom case study link for our course will be posted on Blackboard.

The link changes from semester to semester and from course to course. This custom course link will take you to our course page where you should

Step 1 click REGISTER NOW.


The next website page will ask you for some information and give you the opportunity to create a USERNAME and PASSWORD and then


Step 2 click REGISTER.

The next screen allows you to pay to access the interactive case study.

Step 3 click SUBMIT.




GO TO: to REGISTER. You do not need your credit card to register.

At the bottom of the page enter our custom course ID and click START.

1st Screen

Then enter your FIRST Name, LAST Name, Email Address, Password, and click SUBMIT.

2nd page.png

You will receive an email from Interpretive Simulations with your Username and Password.

Once your receive your Username and Password you will use that to login and purchase the simulation. You must pay the fee to access the simulation and for me to track your results.



Professor Myles Bassell utilizes a variety of learning-by-doing tools including online simulations (Interpretive Simulations) and case studies (Harvard Business Publishing) that require his students to apply the course concepts and make decisions.

Students are given an opportunity to strengthen and demonstrate their skills in the following areas: critical thinking, ethical reasoning, global awareness, communication, leadership, information literacy, and quantitative reasoning. Professor Bassell’s assurance of learning (AoL) assignments are graded using rubrics which measure the extent to which the Koppelman School of Business learning goals are being achieved.

Professor Bassell’s courses focus on experiential learning and his Show and Tell pedagogy. He doesn’t just tell students about the concepts, but also shows the students how the concepts are applied. He utilizes polling (Poll Everywhere) in class to engage all students in discussions.




